Verónica your makeup artist in Viladecans - Barcelona


I call me Verónica Valentín am 33 years old and am professional makeup artist in Viladecans and Barcelona. My passion by the make-up arose does a long time, but never had devoted me to this. I have studied a lot of things that do not have at all in common and does a time decided to study professional make-up, because it was something that always had me fascinado but did not see it like something that could do I. When already at last after having studied a lot thought that it already was hour study what in reality liked me and like this did it, studied in Peoplemake up, a school of professional make-up in Barcelona that taught me many of the things of which know. There are some big professionals that taught me from zero to as it had to do the things, since when I arrived did not know at all of at all, and exited from here being a big professional.

Once finished the course of professional make-up in this school studied in stick art studio, another very good school with grandísimos professional of the first to the last, did an upper course of beauty in which I remained very happy, to perfect the technician.

Finally, seen the level of the school Stick art studio wanted to undertake the course of complete formation since it thought that had things that had remained in the inkwell, and studied eleven months the course of complete formation, in which I specialised me in social make-up and of beauty, fashion, runway, characterisation, special effects, body painting among many other things more.

I have worked in Spanish Television for the program Page Two in repeated occasions, also for Divinity, program “the cazamariposas”.

At present I do workshops of make-up in Viladecans for the City council, apt for all the publics, the people spends it to him very well and always repeat, is gratificante can teach to the people the knowledges that one knows. Also I give classes of automaquillaje in Viladecans for people and communities.

Work like official makeup artist in a producer of audivisuales and advertising from two years ago. 

Maquillo In weddings, communions and cualquier event.

With this page of internet what want to achieve is that the people know me, that can check the works that have made, so much of beauty like characterisation and special effects, loves me what do and want to that the people see it.

Like makeup artist use a series of products that love me, therefore I decided me to be able to supply to the people the products that use, therefore my pagina web has two slopes one the one of my works and another the on-line sale of products so much subject of pincelería, like bases, palettes of shadows…

I expect that you find what look for, and if you do not find it command me an email with what are looking for and will have it!

Anything that do another, I also can do it! And you?. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat