Have problems with your spectacles?

¿Tienes problemas con tus ojeras?

The solution for the people that have dark spectacles, correctors of Kryolan. 

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A lot of people have the problem to have some very pronounced spectacles and this does that we do not see us well. 
What have to do? Pués For the dark spectacles with a good corrector and with the colour adapted these spectacles cover . 
What have to do? 
The first that it is necessary to do is to choose the suitable colour to annul the colour of the spectacle, that is to say, if have a dark spectacle, to annul it can take a corrector orange colour and this will annul almost completely the colour of the spectacle. 
It is not magic, simply is that when putting the orange colour on a dark colour, this does that the colour of below annul . 
I recommend you that you try the correctors of the mark Kryolan that have in our web and will be able to check what am saying. 


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