Shooting For fashionable publisher

Shooting para editorial de Moda

Shooting For fashionable publisher together with photographers of the esuela IDEP.

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It does some months did a shooting for a fashionable publisher, in the esucela IDEP, situated in Big Via of them Corts Catalan, went something very gratificante, the model was very good-looking and my very professional mates, so much the fotográfo, like the mate of estilismo, the truth that very well. 
In these sessions the make-ups usually are very soft and natural, in this case, the model spent a make-up with eye ahumado in black, the photograph went to be in black and white therefore it was a good option.
If somebody wants to do a session of photos with make-up, podeis contact with us and will inform you. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat