Cosmetic to measure

Cosmética a medida

Some creams are authentic ‘pieces' to measure of our skin.  Designed in function of our genetics, our DNI 0the distribution of the fat, can consider the Tall Sewing of the cosmetic.

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You knew that, according to the doctor Ramón Cacabelos, 3 of each 4 cosmetic treatments that use are ineffective because no adecuan to our genetic profile?

And it does not say it any one. It affirms it the vice-chancellor of Investigation and Science of the University Camilo José Cela and president of the World-wide Association of Genomic Medicine, aging, acne, celulitis or fall of the hair.

After the secuenciación of the human genome, several scientists launched to identify mutations (or failures) in the skin, to be able to obtain the scientific tool that helped them to reconducción the cutaneous deterioration.

The Prime laboratories-Derm, through a sample of saliva, can ‘read' the predisposition of each person to develop crease, allergies or stains.

And with this reading are able of 'recetar' cosmetic to measure that compensate the (d)effects of our genetic footprint. Here it is at all…

An example? Adding peptides that inhibit the colagenasa. For those who do not know it, is the enzyme that destroys the collagen of our skin. If this enzyme circulates by our organism, by a lot of creams that use to replace the collagen, will be throwing the money because the colagenasa will destroy it again.

And like this, they put or they remove active, according to the data collected of our DNA. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat