News on professional make-up

Spot publicitario con un gran equipo
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Spot Advertising with a big squad

I have had the opportunity of maquillar and comb for the production of this spot advertising, have a super squad of production that are the mates of KOPY. 
Maquillaje con aguacolores y diferentes técnicas
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Make-up with aguacolores and different technical

Here I leave you with a work made with the technician of the waters colour and the spay.
Novias 2015
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Girlfriends 2015

Some of the a lot of girlfriends that have maquillado this year 2015.
Dos colores básicos: Blanco y negro
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Two basic colours: Target and black

The white colours and black are colours of always, but that with both achieve estilismos and make-ups very sophisticated and beautiful.
Modelo en Foto estudi
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Model in Photo estudi

Book Photographic for model.
Envejecimiento de Teatro
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Aging of Theatre

Aging of theatre made with bread stick, flash colors and shadows
Maquillaje sofisticado
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Sophisticated make-up

The perfect combination of the colours, the target and black by excellence.
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"The muse"

Sophisticated make-up, touched with hortensias "the muse" 
Maquillaje fantasía
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Make-up fantasy

Make-up Fantasy, the magic tree. 
Maquillaje de novia
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Make-up of girlfriend

Make-up of girlfriend at all conventional.
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